Many of you know that our annual R Party was held on Saturday, November 11th. I’m happy to report that it was a huge success. The foundation is still reconciling the event, but it’s safe to say that we set a record for attendance. With your help this Giving Tuesday, we’re going to set a fundraising record as well.
The R Party’s success is important because it raises funds that support every aspect of the Roosevelt experience. The TRHS Foundation receives 35% of the proceeds to support its work which includes scholarships and grants. The Activities Department receives 35% to support all student arts, clubs, and sporting organizations. We earmark 15% of the earnings for feeder school grants that help future Riders at the elementary and middle school levels. Finally, we allocate 15% to our Principal to be used for special projects that DMPS doesn’t have the budget to cover.
This Giving Tuesday, we are reminded that the need for support within our public schools is ever-growing. With your help, The TRHS Foundation will continue to respond to those realities. Can you help with a donation of $25, $50, $75, or $100?
Thanks for your consideration,
Nate Nielsen ('07) TRHS Foundation Board President